Asset Library - the webmaster's reference Presents


Dynamic HTML Flyout Navigation Menus

Dynomat is a web-site navigation menu creation tool. Click the "Configure Menus" button and follow the instructions in the popup browser window. When you are finished, you will be returned to this page, where a pair of SCRIPT tags will be displayed. Drag these tags onto your saved document to insert a complete Dynamic HTML navigation menu set.

Note: It is recommended that the contents of one of the SCRIPT tags inserted into your document be saved as an external file. This is the file that contains all the configured menu items; saving it out to an external file will allow you to use the same menu on all your pages, referencing this file on each page.

Cut and paste the content of the specified SCRIPT tags out of your document and into a text editor. Save this to your document's directory as "hierArrays.js", then delete that SCRIPT element from your document.